When asked to name a valuable resource, most people say money. While that is a very valuable resource, many fail to see just how valuable the resource of time is. If you think back to why the price controls of gasoline in the 70's were such a nightmare, you'll see that it was because much of people's time was wasted waiting hours in line just for gas. The gas was cheaper in price, but not in cost. Time is not free.
Learning about capitalism, in an engaging fun way; explained by a fun engaging young man trying to educate folks in a way they would like to learn. And enjoying every minute of being a part of the "new media"
Monday, May 23, 2005
Capitalism isn't the reason a coke bottle costs $3 today. Capitalism is the reason a coke bottle cost only 5 cents in the old days. G...
CAFTA (Central American Free Trade Agreement) is a win for believers in Capitalism. Some people who don't understand how free trade work...
My local host Phil Valentine, makes a good case for Capitalism in one of his recent columns; he also sends a strong warning to fellow Capita...