Saturday, March 09, 2019

A lesson in wealth

Let's say a child with wealthy parents has expensive toys like an iPad, a new laptop, and a big screen TV. And lets say a child with parents who aren't wealthy has inexpensive toys like dolls, toy cars, and a coloring book.
Now, switch the toys. Now the poor child has expensive toys. Will he become rich now? Will he be able to purchase expensive things from now on? No. Why? Because the rich child already had wealth in his family and the expensive gifts were just symptoms of that wealth. Because the parents created wealth, they were able to enjoy pleasing their child with nice gifts.
We have politicians today that want to use symptoms of wealth (Like expensive schools, nice housing, and nice cell phones) to help the poor become wealthy. And just like the child who is poor, people are given things that are symptoms of wealth but not wealth itself. So we can expect that many of those people who receive those goodies wont be lifted out of poverty.