A lot of folks who don't grasp the concept of free trade often attack it. To them it is seen as shipping jobs overseas or unpatriotic. One thing that such people tend to overlook is the role of the individual in free trade. If you purchase a Japanese made car, isn't that well within your rights to do so? Of course it is; so you see that free trade in that instance isn't between the American government and the Japanese government. It is between individuals, such as yourself and the CEO of a Japanese automobile company. If you stifle free trade, you stifle the freedom of the individual. Remember the individual is the basic unit of a free nation.
To learn more about free trade click here!
Learning about capitalism, in an engaging fun way; explained by a fun engaging young man trying to educate folks in a way they would like to learn. And enjoying every minute of being a part of the "new media"
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
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